Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Growing up

I never thought I'd be so excited for a bathroom to be refurbished, this week my 'shower room' ( as I don't have a bath) is being decorated with a new shower sink & so on..

"Do you need another hand rail in the shower?"
I decided on having one due to making sure I'm safe as I still get clonus.

"Do you need a high toilet seat?"
This time no, its much easier to sit down & stand up independently.

My beautiful brain
Making adult choices.

Monday, 1 October 2018

The floor.

Today was a milestone in my recovery as I taught myself how to stand up off the floor,

Something I do need to do while leaning on something but I couldn't do this a few months ago..

The strength of my knees is stronger and my ankle as without my AFO standing up off the floor can be difficult.

My beautiful brain
Reaching milestones.