Thursday 25 September 2014

i'm not rude, I promise

I can't sit and  listen to loads of people talk at the same time, I can't walk and talk, It tires me out far to much.. I try, I try to be like the rest of you, I try to not ''snap'' when someone asks me a question, but I can't help it. I can't train my brain to relax and remember people just want to;
''know how I am''

If I get excited, it tires me out, If I cry, theres a very high chance i'll be exhausted straight after.
My brains so affected from the stroke that it's impossible to hold a conversation sometimes.

I don't want to scare people away, sometimes I feel I do, i've been told I push people away from just getting angry at how they react towards me, I just want to be treated how I would of had this of never happened. I try so hard to move on and get over the fatigue, but some days it literally feels impossible. I try and pull myself together and get on with whatever I need to do..

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