Wednesday, 10 February 2016

two year mark

''Now Liz i'm not saying it's going to be easy, but its going to be worth it''

*Mum i'm scared, I hate my life*
''Liz, this too shall pass''

The past two years have gone faster than anyone assumed from the start, I never thought something I found so devastating could have given me such good opportunities and accomplish so much more with my life;

my first and main goal was walking.
I now walk as much as I can. still with an AFO splint but i'm able to control my balance and much more, it'll only get stronger..

My second goal;
get my life back on track.
Obviously with many alterations, I knew i'd need to change a lot of things that I used to do.

Return to university;
This is the biggest part of my recovery (to me) and to those whom saw me everyday and realised I had nothing to talk about or do with my days..
They accepted me to return to first year, i've completed half of the year, my work has been hung on the graphics studio wall for everyone to view (this has never happened to me before) I feel like all the hard work has paid off and just like walking; will only get better...

get over everything thats happened;
I mean you can't get over everything, people would say I was boring and won't ever make new friends because of how I was still hurt by my stroke.
I can now wake up on a bad day and do simple things like walk upstairs without the railing in my hand *Lizzie you couldn't do this at the start*
the sides of my lips raise to show a smile repeatedly sending happy signals to my brain.

my favourite part of recovery;
reflecting on every time I doubted myself and felt like giving up. Looking back at how many fake friends I lost and how many real friends i've gained.
the whole experience of recovery is odd, You'll always have down days and happy days as your body and brain is still connecting to emotions.
proving people wrong is my main achievement. I still remember looking a physio in the eye in hospital;
''Will I ever walk again??''
*please say yes.*
''Well you'll be in a wheelchair for a long time maybe a couple of years?...''

My stroke is the; worst weirdest but somewhat happiest moment so far..
I mean i'm still young in my brain so really ''happiest moment in my life''

I read back on these blog posts and can see improvements; spelling, less swearing, a happier person and a person who is more in control of her life.

I've learnt you get thrown some of the worst things in life and go through struggles daily, everyones different but you get up and go.

My two year story and many more to come...

next year i'll be stronger;

*Just think in 6 months you'll be stronger* a tiny piece of paper with my nans fancy writing left on my hospital bed after a hard physio session..

She was right.

and so was my mum

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