Tuesday 10 May 2016

"I read your notes and I can see we've seen you before"

door bell goes, the horrid ringing sound that I usually ignore if I can't be bothered to limp to the door..

"Hi Elizabeth I'm Sarah!"
*shes an OT, dirty green coloured trousers long white dress thing.. oh my god flash backs of being forced to see these people, nights of looking forward to never seeing this uniform again*

I walk to the sofa..

I've been referred to see the intermediate care team again (ICU) the physios and occupational therapists (for those who don't know) who visit you at home after you leave hospital..

"Right I'm going to give you this care plan to keep"

* really? More goals?!? I sigh in my head but smile and try to relive the past*

"Ha! I remember these I've got hundreds of care plan sheets from when I was first recovering"

Luckily she only wrote one; new hand splint ( I've grown out of mine apparently)

"Okay I'll check your hand range so I know what I'm working with.."

* bloody hell, my hand doesn't even work with me so good luck..*

The usual arm grab, fingers go from bent to straight stretching the muscles, bending the wrist up asking what I can do with it.."

I thought I'd moved on from all this, I have but it's because I'm getting sick of not recovering, my leg hyper extends (meaning it bends back further than normal when I walk)

My speech therapist says I need to be careful I don't get problems with my hip because I don't want a hip replacement..