Thursday 30 July 2015

Now it's about determination and motivation

I've always written about my stroke or 'accident/incident' as a test to test my ability to beat the tasks I've been set, as small as;
Making a cup of tea, walking upstairs, walking in public, thinking about myself, gaining confidence, talking about my emotions and so on..

I feel like I've passed the test of my ability to control these things and the main task of adapting to only having the use of one arm, people would tell me I'm really motivated and that i must be really determined..
Truth is I never was, i just aimed to make myself happy again and not suffer from what had happened to me.

I will always have different tests even opening a can of beans can be a struggle..
But you try and try and don't let your brain give up, you focus on what you've done and how you could be where you were,

I'm 'here' or 'there' as people would say 'you'll get there lizzie' 
Now I know where the destination was, a place that I thought was impossible to reach.. I mean at times I have really down days where I actually feel like screaming and thinking 'fuck this shit I really can't be bothered anymore, fucking stroke'

I tried and tried to accomplish my set 'tests' given to me by physio's and occupational therapists, it took a while..

I'm on my own now, it's about coping and dealing with life in the new way and most possible way I can with my adaptations.. 

I need strength determination and motivation to get up go and smile everyday till I feel really happy about where I've come; mentally and physically.
My neuropsychologist left just over a year ago but I've coped, I've tried as hard as I can to reach my goal of returning to university and finding things to do to pass the time.. 

Now I'll understand and possibly agree if you tell me I'm really motivated and determined because I never want this to define me or beat me. I've been weak and I'm not going back.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Getting on with life

'You need to accept what's happened to you Lizzie'

Words I never thought would actually be believable..

You wouldn't, not after you cant walk, use your arm and have no confidence whatsoever..

I'm over the milestone of feeling like I should create my 'new life' as the girl who suffered a stroke.

In hospital I would of written about 200 thank you cards for; support, kindness and just visiting me.. Helping me know that I have moral support and did have friends..

Now if I could I'd only write 5.
People couldn't and can't handle my brain injury, you can't express why you laugh to the point where you have stitches over the smallest thing.
You can't explain how you can't take in two things at once anymore and that you're walking fast because you're focused on one destination..

'Lizzie it's this way..'
You can't explain how no matter how many times you've walked that route but even a day Later you've forgotten the route you just know where you're headed..

I walk to the best of my ability, I don't need to think about it as much, unless I'm walking downstairs or I know the person I'm with wants me to speed up..
I get scared
'Am I walking really slow? Ha I'm so sorry I walk well slow'
( anxious smile) 

'Are you embarrassed about my arm? Cause I can hide it..'

Obviously everyone I first meet or actually know says.. 
'No course not don't be stupid it's who you are'

Because their scared to look at me and say 'a little bit..'

I can walk looking ahead now, 
'Liz you need to learn to look up when you walk'

Something my mum would say..

I only get brain freeze on the right side of my head, no idea why maybe because it's so affected but needs to process the freeze..

And no I can't feel when you poke me  anywhere on my left side..

You wake up with a numb arm and think it's the end of the world
'Oh my fucking god I can't feel my arm!'
My whole left side feels like that, or I should say 'doesn't feel but is like that'

'You honestly can't even tell Lizzie you look completely normal'
Yeah because you can't see what goes through my head..
The struggle of, 'does my arm look hidden enough under my jacket?'
'If I smile does my face look wonky'
'Is my lip liner high enough to cover my drooped smile..

as weird as this sounds..
Sometimes to check that my mouth is equal when I talk I have to reply to myself in the mirror saying 'no Lizzie what you're wearing shows that massive plastics thing strapped to your leg'

I hide it as much as I can to not embarrass who I'm with..

I smile when I'm extremely hurt because I know that I should be proud of how far come..

I think to myself everyday 
'This has made you so much stronger and you've done something that no one else could.'

"Lizzie you're really strong that person who's sighing behind you while they have to wait to walk downstairs really slow will never see you again"

I still panic..

It's who I am now, it's what my brains decided to become,
You either accept my faults and problems or leave my life and never try to enter it again,
It shows how weak you are to not accept someone with a brain injury as bad as mine..
Don't say sorry, just walk away.

Monday 20 July 2015

'I don't know if I could do what you're doing'

You could.
No other way to put it,

When you're given a chance to prove what you're worth and have enough support from family and friends, you realise that you have things to live for; disabled or not..

You find yourself struggling a lot, but that's only a tiny set back and some things need to take you through a hard stage till it starts to get better..
You'll start seeing yourself improving slowly but surely..
Stay positive and keep yourself happy.

You'll start to turn your grumpy face into a smile; wonky or not..
You'll struggle through little setbacks and the amount of tablets you take a day will scare you at first, the way you start to view the smallest things like; waking up in the morning or even being able to say
'This is my life I've been given a second opportunity because I have something to live for..

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, 
Don't listen to the crap of 'you'll get where you want to be'
Because sometimes you fail and nothing will be perfect again,
To put it bluntly you'll never recover fully..
But you'll recover to how you want to, you could give up or just let it beat you,
But when you start doing that you then start to slow your recovery down..

It's fucking shit and makes you feel depressed but it's worth it when you learn to deal with the emotional set backs,
Everything's a test, take it as you only have this last chance to live..

Ignore the people in your head telling you that you'll never be 'normal' 
That 'you're failing'
You can't' you could be the fattest,laziest,grumpiest and not even motivated to carry on.

Feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to get you anywhere and you'll just stop your brain remembering that you have something to live for,
You'll notice you're pushing away your family, friends and support group because all they hear or see you doing is moan..
Would you visit or want to be around someone who moans constantly?
Would you be around someone who you've told can get better but won't listen to you?

Your brain feels like it's not a part of your body but it is..
It's the strongest organ in your body, it's the reason you're still here..

Don't let the stroke become your life,
You're worth more than some idiot in your head trying to destroy your life..

Listen to upbeat music 
Listen to your family and friends 

You'll be this strange version of normal, but remember the person who you might of seen walking down the street thinking and wishing you were them is
'Perfect' this strange delusion in your head that there is such thing as perfect isn't true.

They might be suffering too..

You're more inclined to stop your brain recovering if you compare yourself to; how you used to be, how you should be, how people view you and how you want to be..

No ones perfect or normal.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

I've done this on my own only with support

I've recovered for myself and my family, I'd say friends but people know that's going to be a lie.

I ignored everyone who said I'll never recover
I've recovered a lot..

I ignored my physios telling me I'll still be in a wheelchair until the start on 2016
I'm walking..

I ignored my psychologist telling me I wouldn't be ready for university till at least 2017
I'm starting in September..

I ignored the thoughts of ending my life to not have to go through the pain of this..
I'm still alive.

I've learnt to do what makes you happy and to not put a time limit on anything, it's about determination and motivation 

I've learnt that life's what you make it and you can either give up or try your best.

Things not to say to me;
"Will you make a full recovery?'

My nan/grandad had a stroke, their fine now..
Were they paralysed?

You look fine and you can't even tell..
Shut up and realise that you can tell and no one is 'fine' everyone's hurting inside even if it's for the smallest thing.

'You're so brave'
I'm not, I'm just not going to let my family see me suffer because they wouldn't want me to go.
I'd still flinch if someone had a go at me, I'm not brave.

'How do you do it?'
I honestly have no idea, I'd say just take everyday as it comes and think of how you want to feel better again.

'Lizzie all you talk about is your stroke'
Yeah well duh.. It's been my main focus for over a year and people like you remind me of how I used to be...

These hurt more than anything. And you should think before you speak because everything I hear I take so seriously

My nights out have turned into receiving lectures from people who know me, numorous questions of if I need any help, sympathetic hugs and stares, patronising conversations.
I can't walk away from someone without knowing they'll turn to a friend all I'll be known as 
'You know she had a major stroke'
Yep cool..

Don't ever assume you know why me and Luke split up;
' I was so angry that he dumped you after you're stroke, was that why he did it?.. Cunt'
He had to watch me change and had to see me struggle through everything. He might not of been as supportive as my family but he walked away because he has to get on with his life.. You can only support someone so much..
We're civil and I respect him for leaving. It's given me the reason to recover for myself.

Don't judge anyone unless you know the truth..

You know, I never intended to be where I am now, because at one stage I thought it would be physically impossible.
At one stage I thought I was to weak and ruined to carry on..

My support 'network' meaning my family and anyone who's physically helped me, even by helping me walk up a flight of stairs..
Are the ones I remember, not the ones who patronise me and make me feel like a child.

So don't ruin my night out.

I smile as best as I can because I know I once couldn't.
I walk as fast as I can because I'm still aiming to be 'walking ahead'

Recovery is a life long process and I'll never forget that, I'll never attempt to give up again, because yes I have tried.
More than once.
Recovery is 'hard' once again..
'It must be so hard I couldn't do it'
Believe it or not., you could.. You struggle but you don't struggle forever.

My confidence is back and my independence is slowly returning,
I still struggle to do some things.. 

I'm myself to those who meet me, you either 
Hate me or love me. Simple as, there's not an in between..

My brains half on half off or 'shut down' but it's improving everyday,

Yes I'm proud. 
I'm  still as determined as the first day I took my first steps in the gym..

Yes I'm health conscious.
I have 5 serious illnesses that will never go.

Yes I have ups and downs.
Anyone would..

You recover for yourself and there's no time limit there's not a full recovery, you learn to adapt, you learn to cope.
For yourself and family. Because family is all that matters when you're going through a crisis.

Don't treat me like you understand, don't have a go at me if I say the wrong thing..
not unless you've actually taken the time to read about the type of stroke I had.