Wednesday 10 August 2016

Please don't tell me what to do

I'm capable of doing anything I want to,
Most people do assume I need that extra bit of help ( angry emoji face)
I get told to sometimes accept it, not by my brain but by others that I tell..

" do you want me to help you?"
*lizzie don't get angry, just calm down*

My brain has a fight, if it's between the left side and the right so I don't know..
*dont do it*
I've learnt to not say what's on my mind.. As much as I would on Twitter,

"No I'm fine thankyou"
They offer the help if I need it soon after..

I struggle with some things and you can tell, my arm hanging down in a bent position, my leg shaking and my face that expresses a strange concentrating face..

This is to prove I can do it, after I've achieved the task..

I hate it so much when people assume I can't walk very far or climb stairs, my reaction
"I've learnt to do it, so I will I'm not a child"
*push it come on, bend straighten, lift, bend, place..*

I still tell my brain how to move my leg, how to straighten it and place it..
I'll always be learning to walk and it's my recovery, it's not the best 'gateway' but it's making me walk so I'm happy..

When I; stand, walk and sometimes get into the shower or out of bed, I have a smile on my face so happy because I know I've achieved this and I. Pulsing do it a few years ago..

My recovery is probably only just starting, sounds so weird but it's only just started becoming noticeable; the breathless steps I walk, the tingles I get on my left side, the times I'll be scratching my arm or leg, thinking "oh my god, the feelings coming back!!"

No matter what my disability is no matter what I can and can't do, I'll always challenge myself because I was told "it's only going to get better"

As harsh as it sounds when I sometimes say "Liam I really can't do this"
We both look around or talk about how if it happened to people we know they wouldn't cope, it makes my confidence grow because it's probably true..

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