Thursday 20 October 2016

"Everyone's feeling the same, don't worry.."

public speaking in front of a class full of students and tutors assessing you is different to talking to newspapers and in churches publicly,
I'd keep running through the double sided sheet of paper seeing if I could remember the words I had to read out,
"Are you okay? Do you need any help?
"No thank you I'm fine I'm working on being independent"
The speech starts, I held the paper in front of me and read loudly and clearly enough for people to hear,
The speech finished
"wow, well I'm not sure what to ask about"
Said my head tutor whom has seen me from the first day I asked to return to uni.

I still have learning support when I'm in lectures although I've come home so many times saying "I don't think I need them"
Mainly because sometimes it's nice to put your headphones in and get in with the work alone..

My memory is coming back I remember so much more, my fatigue has improved so much too,

It's sometimes hard to think quick enough to finish full scentences, I get so frustrated with if I feel like I'm behind.

I used to be the one saying "I'll start that next week" then before the deadline get so stressed that I hadn't done it.

I made goals for this second year and I feel like I'm achieving them
I'm not the lazy me anymore.. "I'm so tired my fatigue is so bad"

I'm the early one.

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