Saturday 8 October 2016

Still recovering

I've been so busy with uni recently I've completely forgotten about my blog

We've been asked to decide what we might like to do after our degree..
"okay there are new briefs on the desk with some ideas"
*what the hell!*
I slowly walk to pick one up, hesitating with so many thoughts rushing through my head,
"But we've only just left year one, I'm still disabled.."
*lizzie calm down*
"Lizzie you can still work just breathe"

I hold the list up infront of me, numerous job titles ranging from graphic designer to a nerd?
"Okay now I need to pick one.."
"Right okay you've got to do a presentation and talk about the career you're interested in, find job interviews and companies that you might like to work for"
* bloody hell ive only just learnt to lift my arm*

We have so many different things to take in at uni, so many lectures talks and project briefs, my bags never been so full!

"Lizzie you look so well!"
*yay I look good*
"Thankyou, I feel like my confidence is coming back.."

It's so weird I'm starting to notice my own recovery,
It was going so fast at first, then it slowed down
I focused on my limbs coming back, completely forgetting that inside my brain there are so many nerves to re attach; confidence independence memory and multitasking
And so many more! The doctor was right when he said that your brain controls everything,

I hold myself a lot better, I used to look down hold my arm close and wrap up in huge coats almost looking shy and clearly unapproachable.

I've come across so many tasks and challenges throughout my recovery but this is probably the most exciting task after learning to stand and walk..

As well as uni chemotherapy is helping so much,
I had to many blood platelets something like 850!
Normal range is 100-400 anyone would fall over get that layer of yellow puss and then scan,
I bleed and within 5 minutes scab..
(Sorry for those reading this and eating)

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