Friday 23 September 2016

Gaining confidence and independence

My summer has been about gaining my confidence and independence;
Moving out, going to the gym and trying to use my arm also  by letting go of my arm while walking..

Recovery from a stroke or as they class it 'life after stroke' in those colourful leaflets the stroke association give your family when you're leaving hospital,
Scaring the  friends  if you're lucky enough to still have some, stating that the person may not recover enough to seem like the person they were before..
And the nurses suggest us as stroke patients should read about a devastating brain disorder we've encountered while we're fragile.

I started my second year of uni on Monday,
I had the whole
"Urgh I'm not ready I can't be bothered, it's so long.."
Forgetting how much I've actually recovered compared to year one.

This year counts and that scared me mainly because it was my goal to complete uni.
And when you set goals after a stroke you HAVE to acheive them..

I've lasted 10-4 everyday (even on my day off)
Yesterday we had to talk about our posters we've created, infront of everyone!
"I can't do it, what if they hate it."
I did it,
And managed to talk infront of everyone..
I still need help, I miss out scentences and get muddled up in understanding the brief they give us
This was something my tutor said I needed to improve last year as I used to get to scared to do it.

At school we had a 'counsellor' for our form, you'd get some crap dark red badge which I still have if anyone doesn't believe me.
Believe it or not I was actually one. Probably for about a day. Before the bunking started.

I've applied for student rep; sounds so stupid and something people will probably laugh at, but as I'm still building my cv for when I can work it might help, along with my volunteering..

It's my day off finally! I've been excited to feel like Liam and get that "I need a drink" feeling..

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