Saturday 22 April 2017

It may define me..

But it's no longer my life..

2014 - I hated every piece of my body, from my appearance to my brain (who had never actually done anything wrong)

2015 - Unhealthy relationships and loosing people who I was once dependant on,
I needed a change, to achieve something and have something to work towards ( I started university)

2016 - A very positive year, one to reflect on forever, I became engaged and moved into my own place ( with Liam) I also finished my first year of university..

2017 - where am I now?

I'm currently near finishing my second year at uni, I no longer hate my body, it may have its flaws and may be different..

Social media - a MASSIVE problem, (mainly to all stroke survivors)..

You reflect on someone you will never be again.. you assume people who want to be in your life via a friend request are your 'best friends' (when really they only want to stalk you)

you end up researching EVERYTHING
"will my arm work again?"
"will I ever be normal again?"
"how to recover fully after a stroke"
*stop brain stop*

You can't resit the temptation of finding out a load of *bullshit* from google..
No one is ever going to be the same as before after a stroke or brain injury..

and thats life..

Ive learnt to have a break from; Instagram, twitter and I haven't had Facebook for over two years..

My stroke is not my life, but to some it defines me (those who helped me along the way.. mainly nurses) I'm the "young girl who had the stroke"

You need to accept that you can never change or predict your future you just need to live in the present.

This is my life,
that was the past and i'm only aiming towards the future
I am the present.

I am Elizabeth George Ashmore
(forgetting the -Fish) sorry nan and grandad..

I suffer a stroke, but I have accepted that.

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