Sunday 30 March 2014

Day Release

I'm so happy I was allowed out for the day, especially on mothers day. Me being in hospital was probably the second worst present I had given her, (I bought her a cup that said something like 'if you think I'm a bitch you should meet my mother') god knows why.

Me,  my mum and my step dad  went to Cafe du Soleil in Canterbury, it was beautiful. I was finally leaving the hospital after 6 weeks the only place I really knew anything about anymore. Luke and my step dad drove to the entrance and picked me up, at this point I was so scared of what people would say if they saw me.  I transferred into the car and we drove through Canterbury, which hasn't changed, I had watched my body change so much in the space of 6 weeks I honestly thought something drastic would of changed in Canterbury. 

We pulled up in the car park. I was still so scared, I transferred into the wheelchair and Luke wheeled me in, kissed me and whispered 'babe remember people stare at anyone, no one is staring at you' we went over to our table and I moved into a normal chair. a little girl stared at me, probably because just like I assumed if you're in a wheelchair chances are you won't walk. (shows how much people assume things,  even me).

I ordered the nicest starter and ate it so quick, and a  pizza for my main. The best thing is being able to kick my step dad under the table because he doesn't have a go at me anymore, perhaps because he is just glad I can move my leg.  As we drove away from the restaurant, I saw a man jumping off walls and back flipping onto different things (parkour) I think. I wanted to go and tell him exactly what its like unable to move an arm or leg, to prevent him not caring about breaking a bone, it angers me watching people abuse there bodies when they have full use almost as if they are not making the most of what they've got.
My main request was to have loads of photos to remember how good the day was. I want to be able to look back and see how strong I've been. its hard to put on a brave smile when you're unable to control your body, but I did.  
this looks like a fake smile but it's not. 

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