My face droop shows when I cry, get tired or don't wear makeup.
Every morning before I can get ready I need to massage the back of my left calf, because otherwise I physically can't walk without falling over.
If I've been sitting down for like an hour, I physically can't Stand up until my leg is stretched and my arm/hand stretches forwards. Then I'm ready to move.
In bed when I roll over to my right side, my left arms still so weak that I forget about it and it gets stuck behind my back so everytime I feel I need to move in my sleep I have to plan it and carry my left arm with my body.
When I get nervous my arm twitches outwards (sometimes hitting something) asif I'm making it move, but I'm not I'm just really anxious and I cAll it my brains way of waking me up.
Where my shoulders sublaxed and its dropped out of the socket (all the muscles are gone) I have to physically move lift and pull on my my arm to click it.
When I get tired my leg shakes so much so that it scares me, it's unstoppable and does it when I stand for too long
Sorry this post is so long but I've only just come to terms with how the strokes affected me
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