Sunday 21 January 2018


I haven’t written a blog post for ages.
So I could focus on my goal (university) which is going SO well it’s almost as if I’m going to wake up and it will all be a dream..

I completed a project  about neuroplasticity, I taught myself how to stand up from the floor. I created; a mock up of; an app, a book, a website and two posters that you will be able to view on the website I’ll post below.

For the project I received 63% which is the equivalent to a B, yes I know ‘Elizabeth actually got a B?!?!’
I cried... the brain filter is still improving, so the crying was hard to stop.

I’m writing (with a lot of support from my mum) my dissertation on public health campaigns and how they can shock the viewer in the 21st century.
 for my dissertation journal (basically a sketchbook) I received 64% which I was also shocked with..
now to finish the actual dissertation!

I graduate on the 26th of June..

So here is to the next few months and my graduation.
My goal after my stroke (NEARLY FOUR YEARS AGO!)

The link to my minor project website;
Where brain injury survivors reading this can learn to stand in photographic stages
 (photographs taken by Liam) there is no text due to some survivors struggling to read, you can go backwards and forwards through each stage if you forget the stages..

Including my posters :)
‘DO and TRY’ designed and made by me.

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