Saturday 25 October 2014

I'm off to a Rehab Centre...

So I can't go back to uni, I can't go back to my job... YET
But trust me my main goals are to go back, i've been told i'm going to be sent or taken to a rehab centre called Banstead

I need to be referred by my Physio's and neurophysiologist first, and it's not even a certain decision yet I'm literally terrified. I'll be surrounded by people with brain injuries and people that have had strokes, or serious accidents,
I'm so scared, like if I do get a place, I'll be moving out for a year and will be in a place I don't even know, leaving my friends and family.. How do you react when you know it's the best thing and place for you but you genuinely are so scared that thinking about it gives you goosebumps..

I've written my future goals with my neurophysiologist to plan what I want to achieve when and if I go there, number one being;
I want my hand and arm back.
I want to learn to be polite again
I want to learn to be clever enough to go back to uni
I want my life to be easier to live  (if thats possible)

I've already learnt to live in my house again, and now i'm quite possibly ( because of my age) gonna be taken away from it all and have to re learn again, not from my choice but people that have only known me for 9 months choice.
with ''my best interests at heart' hmmm okay then, I'll leave everything i've ever known and loved to go somewhere i'm really scared of.

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