Monday 23 March 2015

I won't let you beat me.

Dear stroke;
I won't let you take my whole experience of life away nor will I let you ruin the second chance I've been given..
You may of taken some of my brain but I still have the other half;
You tried to convince me I wasn't 'normal' but turns out no one is.. Everyone's different;
Could be from an illness or loosing a loved one, everyone's dealt with problems. Sometimes just not doing there makeup right can make someone feel not 'normal'
I've learnt there is no normal life to live... 

I've had so many ups and downs but you're finally making me more confident to realise that they don't last forever and I'm happy.

I may take loads of tablets a day but it's to prevent you ever coming back, you're the 'nasty bully' that you'd get at every school..

I found it hard to conquer my fears at first and thought of ending my life because of what you did to me my family and my life but this time I'm leaving it behind me, you're not that strong. 

I may walk funny and have a 'dodgy arm' but it's my body and I'll live with it, things could be worse.. 

I can walk & talk and shop I have plans for MY future not yours.. 

I have people that care about me supporting me, not you.

Just don't forget I won this battle not you.. 
So nice try stroke. 

I thought about stopping my blog after walking my 10k but was convinced otherwise as it gives me a mindset to carry on.. And the paperwork showing me how far I've come Is taking over my house.
I thought I'd struggle the day after my walk as Dan says; 'you always ache the day after a good work out'.. But I'm fine, I'm walking home from the hospital today something that last year I couldn't do. 

I won't let it beat me, nor will I fall for its shitty set backs, I walked the 10k for me and to prevent a stroke happening to anyone else by raising over £1000. 

So fuck you stroke I did it. My marathon is done. 
But I'm not. 

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