Monday 24 July 2017

Some statistics

theres always statistics on illnesses; heart attacks, cancer and strokes..

Obviously the range is different depending on age.

I get stares and sometimes really vile looks from people of all ages; in fact the majority of them are older people..

I've started gaining enough confidence to walk upstairs and down in shops, this is something that does take me a while and probably always will. Due to my knee still being weak.

I've been through so many stages in my recovery;
Letting my stroke define me
Revolving my whole life around my stroke
Pushing away the majority of people I knew because all I talked about was myself
Crying and being miserable everyday or time I was actually lucky enough to see people
Going to talks and visiting people to talk about once again, myself..

I've overcome all of those points as when I look back it makes my skin crawl reading how I'd write my 'week walking' and posting videos writing blogs complaining about how my brain has ruined me as a person.
When reading into statistics and life after a stroke I realise there's no statistic on how many peoples recovery is stopped and really affected by confining their lives to their stroke, not moving forward from what's happened and constantly talking about themselves.

I find recovery so stressful I'm sure every stroke survivor does.
But as individuals we should work together to fight the stigma and the hurt that a stroke really leaves behind,
Don't let it become everything or take over your life, you're stronger than that..

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