Friday 9 February 2018

Why is it so loud?

Please just turn it down
Please stop walking so close to me.

Wait, I know nobody can help doing any of what I just asked, I mean how can a bus driver turn down his horn?
How can a lady understand the heel on her shoe is too loud for my ears now that I have a serious brain injury.

Now that my fatigue kicks in more than ever when there’s to much going on at once, processing to many sounds hurts. It doesn’t give me a headache it just really hurts. Aches and drives me insane!!

You just want to scream and then you realise. * Lizzie, calm down no one understands that you’ve had a serious brain injury.. in fact that you have one..*

You’re just going to have to accept; the screeching bus pulling away, the cars racing past, the baby screaming for its mum, the hustle and bustle of the crowds..

*do you need this top? More than the stress?*

My beautiful brain..

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