Wednesday 29 April 2015

Welcome back

Welcome back to the brain I lost for all that time, welcome back to the nights out I couldn't enjoy and the long day trips out and about, you know the ones where you walk so much your bum aches..
Obviously for me it hurts so much that I get tired and angry, stressing whoever I'm with to the point of them getting annoyed..

Welcome back to the lost memories I thought I'd forgotten, I remember everything that I forgot once.. Even if it's as small as a random conversation I had years ago..

Welcome back to the smile I once longed for, because I couldn't lift that side up high enough to reach the other

Welcome back to my brain who's more active, mentally and physically.. Making it easier for me to get through everyday, remembering laughing joking and creating new memories..

Welcome back to the girl who couldn't even cope with seeing old friends without crying and needing extra support.. Welcome back to the leg I once lost and was stuck in a bed unable to turn myself over to even sleep..

Welcome back to the motivation I lost but knew would help me recover, the determination that was needed and struggled to create a pathway in my damaged brain..

Welcome back to the educational world and learning phase of life, to the new start of returning to uni and trying my hardest to not fail, giving me more strength to carry on with the rest of my life that I once dreaded and thought wasn't possible and wanted to end..

Welcome back independence and confidence that help me get through each day, the ones I once lost? You know when I really struggled to even wake up and leave the house, I've got you back and you're never leaving my side

Welcome to the new world new pathways in my damaged brain and nerve endings that have come back to life in a different way but a way that are going to get better, mentally physically and positively.. 

Goodbye to the down days and days where I thought life would never give me any of this back...

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