Saturday 7 February 2015

I love you grandad

He falls asleep in his chair watching some awful cowboy film or random quiz show.. 
Leaving me and my nan to just aimlessly watch it laughing as he snores away and his head drops as he falls into a deeper sleep.. 
Every time I visit my grandparents my grandad comes to the door as fast as he can and pulls me into his arms kisses my cheek..
Grabbing my shoulders and pulling me away asking how I am, with his big blue eyes full of love looking into my eyes and his lips turning into a large smile showing his wine stained perfectly straight  teeth.. 

It's that, I wrap both my arms around his waist, wobbling to get closer and pull in tighter.. 

Kissing his cheek and smelling his strongly scented aftershave, That hasn't changed since I was atleast 5.. 

Tencing my affected arm as much as I can to match my right arm to try and prove his hugs mean more than anything

'Oh don't grandad I'm gonna cry!' 
Nan smiles 
'Oh haha Derek don't you'll start her off.. She loves her grandads hugs' 

I cry...
'Yeah so much' we smile at each other and he grabs my arm.. We walk to his room (front room but it's his den to me, as well as the loft full of his games).. 

'You want some wine love?' 
I laugh.. 
'No I'm fine Thankyou' he still sips on his wine after describing what make and where it's from.. 
With a heartfelt smile 
'go on have a sip' 
'No honestly I'm fine grandad' 
'Derek! Put the kettle on..' 

Nan tries to influence him not to drink 
As he does drink to much but;
Whatever floats your boat and makes you happy.. 

Nothing beats my grandads hugs and  the feeling they give me will never be replaced 
I love you grandad 

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