Saturday 7 February 2015

Officially disabled

Something people want and somewhere people get annoyed of if they drive is disabled parking bays. Mainly if every other place to park is full..
I've recently recieved my blue badge, so I'm officially disabled.. 

If whoevers driving parks in a disabled bay and I haven't got my badge I wait in the car.. 
'Can you wait here a minute I'm just popping in' 
Cause that basically demonstrates they can't be bothered to walk my pace or are to ashamed to be seen with me.. 
That's how it feels anyway, 

Imagine sitting in a car surrounded by signs demonstrating the fact you have a disability 
I do.. 

It's an 'easy way of getting free parking but it's a shit time for the person who physically has their name on the badge, 

'You need a blue badge you should apply'
Why? So you can park for free and get satisfaction out of what's happened too me.. 

Cause for me it's a plastic card exploiting that I can't do normal things anymore .

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