Friday 18 August 2017

A beautiful mind and soul..

I've been contemplating on what to call this blog post because when and if you're reading this you'll find it almost impossible to 'name' or give it a 'title'..

"Hello my names Amber Garland and I had multiple strokes when I was 19, in my; heart, lungs, arms, legs and my brain.. everywhere!" (YouTube - Amber garland in 2012) for those who want and SHOULD do research on the most amazingly inspirational and beautiful person I've ever met and will meet..

As a stroke survivor especially at a young age (I'd know as I'm soooo 'young') we don't get offered much support, I mean yeah the hospital physiotherapist and occupational therapy.. stuff that's 'essential' after a stroke..

Amber 'suffers' with aphasia
Aphasia - " inability or (impaired ability) to understand or produce speech, as a result of a brain injury"
In Ambers case her stroke.. which has also left her paralysed down her RIGHT side (affecting the left side of her brain)
It's so confusing WE KNOW!! (But yet we still mix our left from right)..

Amber wears an AFO splint that holds her ankle when she walks, just like me..
Her arm hangs across her stomach, just like mine and the majority of stroke survivors..
*its a habit! We can't let it go..*

When I suffered my stroke I only really 'heard' of other younger stroke survivors because it's actually very rare! But they'll probably all tell you that it's either; caused by the pill, a doctor misjudging a mini stroke with a trapped nerve or just a typical moaning grumpy young adult..

I've met Amber several times always for volunteer work as she's a stroke ambassador..
Always bloody busy! I don't know how she manages, as well as going to the gym everyday! And to those who have no understanding.. she's recovering EVERYDAY. It's a life long thing..

So Ambers been nominated for an award for volunteering (FINALLY!) after 8 long years of nominations and watching others win..

A massive hug was received when I walked through the large patio doors at Canterbury Cricket Grounds cafe to film her 'video' to be shown..
She's so happy and smiley, so positive and motivating as well as so inspirational!
At the age of about 26-28? I think..

We chatted and had a 'catch up' because that's what you do when you're being filmed *oh miss posh and famous*

Amber's speech has improved so much its crazy!

"My cognitive skills aren't good.."
"Oh picture memory! I know the face but not the name!"
"My toes curl when I walk without my splint"
"My leg shakes and my hand doesn't actually do anything.."
"It's tiring and people don't really understand"
*a few and I repeat FEW comments made by me and Amber, as stroke survivors we've both suffered really serious cognitive difficulties, this isn't just spelling or understanding it's processing emotions confidence and independence..

Two stroke survivors views and experiences..
You can't put a number on how many people stare at our walking and how we've positioned our arms because it would be impossible! We both aim to walk to a destination (in this case the toilet) and we walk as fast as we can.. maybe because we joked about wetting ourselves before? Or maybe because we've experienced walking slowly and want to show off.. who to? We don't know but in our brains there's always someone!

We both think happy thoughts despite the yawning and our legs shaking 'clonus' meaning that we're both exhausted!

We both hold our heads as high as we can to show strength and positivity towards what we've achieved and our strengths.

But we both hold a deep and dark secret..
we're different! We're special in our own way.. no one can 'out special' us, because we've aimed to be a new human and type of human that is resilient to anything life throws at us, weither we need; shower stools, stair lifts, a splint or sometimes just that boost from a peer to motivate us.

To those who never really try to understand our strokes or anyone's stroke in general.
You know who you are..
"You should be confident" "just be happy and strong!" "Will you ever get your hand back?" "Urgh you're always so tired!!" "Why do you not understand what I'm trying to explain to you, LISTEN"
*those sly comments that people who've just met you make, I mean who expects an idiot to even want to understand?* the majority of my family don't still. and I'll let you in to a secret..

Neither do I? Lol.

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