Sunday 27 August 2017

Me and my brain injury..

me and my brain injury live together everyday, it takes over my brain like a bomb,

I have a brain injury my brain injury doesn't have me.

People look at me in strange ways because when I tell them about it, they can't tell.. even 'professionals' seem shocked,
"What's a brain injury?!"
Thinking you're just really clumsy and trying to blame something..

It's so hard to explain such a detailed disability, something no one can see or understand, the closest people to me can't realise the struggle;
Processing emotions dealing with the independence of leaving my front door teaching my brain every single object in sight, 'oo that's a nice tree..'
Trying to memorise certain things I might see 'should I write that in my notes section on my iPhone?!' *would anyone care that I've seen a woman trip up or an argument in the middle of the street?*

Is it a waste of energy...

Processing everything correctly so I look SAINE, the best version of everyone's 'normal' that they aspire to be... why?
Why do you want to be like everybody else? I've created a new person from my stroke, I've not let it define me 'yeah that's Lizzie, she had the stroke!' *no, I'm a 23 year old student who's living with serious illnesses.. dealing with something I can't change.

Me and my brain injury are always at war,
"URGH you stupid idiot, I can't remember what I was about to say"
*calm down, just try to think backwards to when you knew what it was*

You introduced me to epilepsy that's harder than dealing with you, explaining to people when you just need a break, time to just zone out of an uncomfortable situation..
try to distance your brain from worry and stress.. the constant anxiety of *will I have a sezuire?!* am I safe here?..

Doctors and nurses talk AT you as if you're creating some random illness..
"So here's some leaflets about brain injuries" you know the a5 folded leaflet that to us living with brain injuries is a load of crap?
No piece of paper can explain the difficulties we live with, nothing can describe how we cope day in day out..

But our brains NEED to be strong and HAVE to keep fighting..

"We say this to everyone who's suffered a brain injury" .. take it easy, don't do anything strenuous and just relax,

Brain injuries are real and a serious disability, we will live with it forever but never let it defeat us..

So ill keep fighting..

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