Saturday 19 August 2017

Crowded spaces & busy spaces..

Crowds are a tough one! Possibly for everyone not just me.. you get shoved, pushed and agitated by people walking r e a l l y slowly..
Something that I TRY to calm myself down about; *Lizzie, come on you used to walk that slow.. take a chill pill*

"Liam, I'm scared.. who's behind me?!?!"
*I look around really sharp and with a sense of anxiety*
I can't stand people being close behind me, you know that people who feel the need to basically touch your shoulder  or breath down your neck if you're infront of them..

My ears get all twitchy and I get all nervous, it's an odd sensation that rushes through me..
I'd say like butterflies when you get really excited to go somewhere, but this feeling is like
(I'm either going to scream in your face or I'm going to cry my eyes out so please step away from the angry youth)..

This is since my stroke, I hate the feeling of being rushed or forced.. and crowds are the worst places for feeling like this.

Yesterday we attempted an air show in Herne-bay, the 'standard' *crowd warnings! Really busy!*
As we arrived towards the sea front Liam held my hand, I grip really tight when we're walking down slopes/hills because of my balance & I think Liam feels safer knowing he's got hold of me and I won't fall over..

My stomach turned.. CROWDS! I "Liam please can we just slow down I don't like it.."
he agrees with me because to be honest he HATES my 'abrupt and rude brain' kicking in..
"GO AWAY! Don't push me! Idiot."
As we take a slow stroll through this busy crowded street, I take in all the sights either dazed by my medication and its side effects or because I'm trying to process huge amounts of people and my fatigue is kicking in.

I always get so frustrated when in large crowds, when I'm with mum she realises this too, even my nan and grandad do.. I think the best part is that I myself notice it so I can TRY and 'stop' the anxiety of crowds..

After all Lizzie, you're one of the walking ones now..
Watching the sights and holding your head as high as you can.
Be strong, be confident and face the crowd.

What's to loose?

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