Saturday 17 January 2015

Changes at home..

Something I really should of written about when I first came out of hospital but forgot (easy mistake) was the changes you face at home when 'you're free' or are you... 

My house is a tall Victorian house and my mum and step dad tried really hard to try to keep it looking old and interesting, when I came out of hospital I faced stairs with a banister on the wrong side (left hand side) and stairs to the kitchen with nothing to hold onto (which I struggle with) as I need the support and secure feeling.. 
My OT and Physio came round and changes were made to our house, starting with our stairs and a handle on my shower so I can support myself when I stand or get in and out of the shower.

We have the ugliest rails into our cellar that are metal white and don't match our original banister unfortunately 

I use a stool to shower on IF I'm going out for the day and don't want to stand up an become to shaky/tired.. 
I've only JUST  gotten rid of my slip proof mat, as I feel more confident in the shower now, the bath however... I still use it.. 
I used to have a larger stool but it was to heavy for me to independently set up my showers so mum bought me this smaller one...

You never realise how many stairs a house can have until you suffer a disability that changes everything
My shower grip (used so I can pull myself into my shower) 

My new improved lighter and better shower stool

I use this for all MY shower stuff, as our other holders are to high..
My banister that leads to my room, easier for me to get up the stairs so I can sleep

The banister that leads to our main bedrooms and my one, really modern looking and has no place in this house as it looks odd. 

That's the only photos I've taken at the moment but there are so many more adjustments; slip proof matts for the kitchen so I can butter toast and open jars, 
A plastic bread spread used to stop my toast sliding off the kitchen side
A towel with Velcro so I can do it up myself and walk from the bathroom to my room. 

Oh and a knork (a fork with a knife on the end) the most helpful invention!

If anyone reading this cares and supports someone who's had a stroke I can give you information on where any of these are from however the banisters are supplied by your(there) OT and Physio team.. Just like the persons arm splint
You can email me any questions you have im always free :) 

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