Saturday 30 September 2017


gaining your confidence is VERY difficult, struggling to 'keep it together'..
But aiming to be comfortable with who you are and what you're aiming to achieve in where you're aiming to go or what you're aiming to do, 

This is the MAIN struggle for stroke survivors, you loose all confidence in; yourself and sometimes others, why me? Why did this happen? Will it happen again? What if it does? 
Anywhere and at anytime..
Maybe this is my brain injury kicking in?..

I used to write blogs called 'dear brain' basically venting to something that was unable to function or understand ANYTHING I was complaining or moaning about, why?

Because I was angry.. 
my confidence gone, not forever but for enough time..

Gain it
Be really strong, this is to those who really struggle to be confident

It takes time
'I'm not saying it's going to be easy but it's going to be worth it' 
You can hold your head high again, you can do it! 

Believe in who you are, don't look back and compare, that's never going to help, just be confident in who you are as a person, confident to hold your head up and realise 

You are strong. 

We ALL need confidence, but after a stroke and with a brain injury you need to gain it more than you'd think..

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