Thursday 21 September 2017

That's not me anymore..

I was classed as 'the stroke survivor'
"Oh yeah she had a stroke, the young girl that had the stroke"
Bla bla..
In the hospital I still am (by the lady who dished up my food)..

I'm not that anymore, well.. I don't want to be;

I live by my own 'rules'
Don't class me as something that is so crude,

My life
Yes I've had a stroke, it paralysed me, it stopped me doing what I wanted for about a year;
University, walking, having the function of my arm/hand and taking over my life,
I had a stroke that people would treat me differently because..
I let it take over my life, I let it act as if it was who I was..
let myself become the 'stroke'..
"Lizzie you're so obsessed with the fact you've had a stroke"

Get over it
Get over the fact you've suffered a blow to the head, it's so difficult but your recovery comes first, recover from what's happened inside your head, let your brain recover..
It's difficult but you need to be strong..

Be confident
How can you be confident and independent when you let this 'stereotype' take over the whole of your brain, your life, mind, recovery and most of all, confidence

I found
I realised my recovery is my confidence, is my independence and to regain the strength to just stop and think about myself (in the sense of RECOVERY)..

Set yourself bigger goals than wishing you could 'regain everything you once had' because the truth is; it won't all come back..
it won't all 'reconnect' it will try..
IF you let it.. do let your brain breathe;

You are yourself, you are strong and you need to stop and think  to recover;

'There is NO normal'
'Everyone is different' (inside and out)
'Your vulnerability shines bright when you let it..'

Brain injury
It stays with you forever, it will never go..
it will be in your head for the rest of your life, it's scarred you.. scarred who you once were..

My recovery was my confidence
My recovery started the day I realised
I am who I am, there is NO normal and life is what you make it; just like your brain

Who will you be today?..
Because I am me.
Fancy playing the name game?..Do you remember my name? :)

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