Sunday 24 September 2017

Managing Time..

"Lizzie, I hate talking to you because you're always ahead!"
"That's something we've spoken about, you need to take it slow"

Managing time
with a brain injury it is SO difficult..
especially after a stroke..
I was taught to 'always do it on time' *rush rush rush..*
I was always telling myself "Lizzie come on YOU CAN DO THIS! 
(put your all into it) what even is your 'all?'
 'all what?'.

If you're suffering with a brain injury and struggle with anything I write about in this post, buy this book it's amazing! *it's illustrations alongside writing so you'll be able to 'keep up'

Thats one of your faults!
Yes I know, I HATE being late, honestly even before my stroke I had this weird 'habit' of setting my alarm for 10 past the hour, 'got work at 9.. alarm set for 7:10..
This was something that stuck with me for so long.. I think I tried to do it after my stroke JUST to keep some of my 'normality' and seem as if there was still a bit of 'me' left..
I always have to start work on time.. 'If I don't start this project now.. I'll miss the deadline
(starts it 5 minutes after being given the brief)
*head overload - do it do it, do it, do it NOW!* 'brain injury kicking in..'

You'll make yourself ill!
''oo I've learnt to slow down and put my health first'' - comment made in a blog post ages ago.. so I guess I can be a hypocrite, I mean.. 'I have got a brain injury?' :)
I bumped into a learning support who'd seen me working 'too much' in the library on Friday as we have a deadline on Monday *YAY* - stress lifted off my shoulders..
'Lizzie, I know you and you work too much, you need regular breaks otherwise you will have seizures and get ill..' - I know she's right ( just like my mum and Liam).. 
It's honestly the most difficult thing.. 'working slowly'

Memory Loss
*Lizzie, if you don't do you'll forget all your ideas..(This is my brain overloading double time)..
no one understands this though, I don't think I've explained that I get scared I'll forget all my ideas if I don't just START the work.. I also spent so long being 'rushed' in hospital, this was by Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy (remember the sheets given to us to 'asses our progress') I spent three loooong months in hospital aiming to just go home and 'get the work over and done with' people sick of coming to visit and me just wanting to leave.. 'ESCAPE 
People don't understand that.. they don't get that where I've had my brain injury I am still trained to 'rush, rush, rush' I was told these people were 'professionals' everything they said was right..
and no one has tried to teach me otherwise since I've escaped hospital *I'm still re-wiring my brain*..

I'm hoping that the people who have commented on my fantastic 'rushing skills' can now have some understanding about why I tend to rush and 'overload my brain'..
Do you?

and yes I have finished my project!!..

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