Wednesday 6 September 2017

Medication life..

Who gets excited to take their tablets?!

I lay the silver packets out every night to prepare for as soon as I wake up in the mornings, this helps me sleep and relax as when I get up really quickly it can cause sezuires, I mean when you're epileptic you get the anxiety of "will I have a sezuire? Do I feel alright to get up?" And so on.. probably making your brain even more confused, with all that electrical stimulation rushing around..
Who invented tablets? Some of mine are pink AND green, this is my chemotherapy, the strongest and worst medication happens to be the brightest and most prominent..
(I'd take a picture but I genuinely cannot be bothered)..

You know the dirty taste water starts to taste like when it's left over night? All misty and discoloured almost making you debate if you should put it anywhere near your lips, I can't think like this even though it's a regular occurrence in our flat :(

Like I've pointed out before the "I bet you rattle" comment that I get literally all the time..

I don't rattle..

I take;

Lamatical - 300mg
Tizanidine - 4mg
Atorvastatin - 40mg
Fluconazole - 5mg
Hydroxycarbamide - 300mg
Lansoprazole - 30mg
Eliquis - 5mg
Alendronic acid - 70mg
Ferrous sulphate - 200mg
Prednisolone - 40mg
Calcichew - two tablets a day *I looooove these so much!!*

(These tablets are all taken daily..)

Oh and if I'm having a really bad; week or day I get to spray this mouth cleaner called (difflam) into my mouth.. this stops any infections from happening when I bite through my tongue/mouth after a sezuire..
Luckily it tastes nice :) .... *the spray not the biting*

These tablets keep me alive and probably mentally stable, sometimes I get really concerned when I'm so alert I look like that really shocked emoji with its eyes wide open, (usually after a two hour nap).

In our flat me & Liam have about 3 cupboards full of tablets,
This takes up more room than food..

Tablets are a huge juggle I mean,
How do you know you're taking the RIGHT ones?

Recently my sezuires have been ridiculously bad (we're talking about 3 a week) and this is because my kidneys have started releasing protein; nephrotic syndrome - another illness I live with
And my doctors only ever known to put me on steroids (prednisolone) unknown to the fact these actually interfere with 'AEDS - anti epileptic drugs'..

"My nan just takes them all at once!"
*Yeah well I don't..*

This is something that REALLY gets on my nerves.. swallowing tablets is so difficult, I mean Liam does this weird thing where he genuinely forces his fingers down his threat before swallowing tablets  (even the sugar coated ibuprofen)..

I wanted to add a blog post into my medication and what I actually take as I don't think I've written about my medication since 2014, when it was the typical stomach injections to thin my blood (which you get in hospital)..

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