Tuesday 12 September 2017


It's here and it's MY version of walking..

I walk different to everyone else, I call and class it as 'my special walk'
My knee hyperextends backwards, apparently I 'won't have a knee by the time I'm 40'..

But then apparently I'd never walk again...

I get stares and people glance at the way I move my leg, the way my leg raises and touches the floor to step forwards.. giving me the ability to walk.

I reached my main goal;
I can walk!! I can do it.. everyday, I can move my leg, walk independently and manage to be confident..

My walking gate sometimes struggles; my hip swings outwards, 'the leg swing' when I put pressure on my legs (walking upstairs) my knee shakes *clonus* this doesn't bother me, you might stare at my knee in an odd way but I'm stronger than I look..

I have a splint that lifts my ankle as that's still paralysed, it's left scars and cuts across my calf, also a tan  line where I've gained enough confidence to show it off in public on holidays; and not care what people think of it.. because you judge me..

But I can walk..

I fall over sometimes (but my balance is always going to be affected, I realise that now)..
Walking down slopes causes a leg swing and my toes ache from the weight of my body trying to balance as I walk down them.. people stare as I'm so slow, but all I can do is smile;
A smile of ('this is me, this is who I am and how I've learnt to 'move')..

My walking is improving everyday and it will stay that way..
uneven surfaces are becoming easier & speed is much better.. I still can't run and I don't plan on learning

But I can walk...
With my head held high and smiling at the realisation of how far I've actually come...

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